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10x Genomics
Visium Spatial Gene Expression

Sharing Results

Saving .cloupe files

Loupe Browser files are self contained, so if you want to share a dataset with a colleague, you can send them the .cloupe file. You can save your dataset workspace, including the custom groups that were created and any gene lists created or imported, by clicking onin Toolbox.

We strongly recommend any dataset changes in Loupe Browser be saved by creating a new version of the .cloupe file. Changes made to the pipeline generated .cloupe file are irreversible; to regenerate the original file, you would have to re-run the pipeline. You can save .cloupe under a new name by:

This will prompt you to create a new .cloupe file in a desired location in your file system.

Exporting data and plots

Loupe Browser also provides the ability to export individual plots and data tables. These options are summarized below. For more details refer to the Navigation tutorial.

Next steps and support

This concludes the Loupe Browser spatial gene expression tutorial. Now you are ready to analyze and visualize your own data. Read about how to generate your own .cloupe files with the Space Ranger pipeline.

Reporting Issues

If you encounter any errors in the program, you can send a bug report by clicking on Generate Bug Report from the Help menu. A .tar.gz file containing logs from your most recent Loupe Browser session will be created, and you can send that file to support@10xgenomics.com. Add the subject line Loupe Browser Error to your message.

You can also submit general feedback and feature requests by clicking on Send Feedback in the Help menu.

We hope this tutorial has made you familiar with the capabilities of Loupe Browser, and that you find it to be the easiest, fastest way to interpret your Visium Spatial Gene Expression data.