Instructions to Download and Process FASTQs of Chromium X Demonstration Data

Technical Note, Last Modified on September 27, 2021, Permalink

Due to the large size of the data, the raw data will not be available directly from our website. Users can download the raw FASTQ data from Amazon S3 at their cost using the 'Requestor Pays Bucket' option. (Depending on the user's region, Amazon may charge up to $0.09 USD / GB for this data transfer, as of September 24 2021; as rates may change, please verify before downloading). Interested users should follow the steps here to download the FASTQ files.

Download the files


Within the aforementioned bucket, the files are located as follows:

Sample location approx size (GB)
Full chip, mixture of drug treated H1975 and A549 cells, 3' HT v3.1 s3://10x.largefiles/samples/cell-exp/6.1.0/H1975_A549_DrugScreen_3p_HT_nextgem/ 2928
Full chip, mixture of drug treated H1975 and A549 cells, targeted gene expression (pan-cancer) s3://10x.largefiles/samples/cell-exp/6.1.0/H1975_A549_DrugScreen_3p_HT_nextgem_cancer_targeting/ 1108
Full chip, mixture of drug treated H1975 and A549 cells, targeted gene expression (gene signature) s3://10x.largefiles/samples/cell-exp/6.1.0/H1975_A549_DrugScreen_3p_HT_nextgem_gene_sig_targeting/ 1124
T-PLL cells, sorted, 5' HT v2.0 s3://10x.largefiles/samples/cell-vdj/6.1.0/T_PLL_sorted_5pv2_HT_nextgem/ 323
T-PLL cells, sorted, 5' v2.0 s3://10x.largefiles/samples/cell-vdj/6.1.0/T_PLL_sorted_5pv2_nextgem/ 162
T-PLL cells, unsorted, 5' HT v2.0 s3://10x.largefiles/samples/cell-vdj/6.1.0/T_PLL_unsorted_5pv2_HT_nextgem/ 222
T-PLL cells, unsorted, 5' v2.0 s3://10x.largefiles/samples/cell-vdj/6.1.0/T_PLL_unsorted_5pv2_nextgem/ 154