SPRIselect:DNA Ratios Affect the Size Range of Library Fragments (v1 Chemistry)

Technical Note, v1 Chemistry, Last Modified on October 11, 2017, Permalink

CG000060_10x_Technical Note_SPRIadjustment - v1.pdf

Technical Note - SPRIselect:DNA Ratios Affect the Size Range of Library Fragments (v1 Chemistry)

This Technical Note describes how SPRIselect beads work and illustrates how changes in the size distribution of Chromium Genome library fragments can occur when the SPRIselect:DNA ratios are changed. SPRI beads selectively bind DNA fragments according to the ratio of SPRI beads to DNA solution. Chromium Genome library generation utilizes SPRIselect beads to enrich for DNA fragments with a specific size range to achieve high quality sequencing data. Guidelines presented here will enable the user to produce the correct SPRIselect:DNA ratio during the workflow and result in libraries with the desired insert fragment size.