Visium CytAssist Spatial Gene Expression for FFPE Tested Tissues

Specifications, Last Modified on July 18, 2022, Permalink

Tested Tissue List

* List of H&E stained tissue types that were tested in-house and found to perform well with the Visium CytAssist for FFPE assay. Tissues tested in-house were acquired from biobanks. Please note: sample preparation variability (such as fixation and embedding techniques) may impact assay performance.

Organism Tissue Unknown, Healthy, Diseased Region, if known
Human Brain Healthy Cortex
Human Brain Diseased, Glioblastoma
Human Breast Diseased, Cancer
Human Kidney Healthy
Human Large Intestine Diseased, Colorectal Cancer
Human Liver Diseased, Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Human Lung Diseased, Cancer
Human Lymph Node Healthy
Human Ovary Diseased, Cancer
Human Pancreas Diseased, Invasive Adenocarcinoma
Human Pancreas Diseased, Metastatic Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Resection of splenic metastasis
Human Prostate Diseased, Cancer
Human Skin Diseased, Melanoma
Human Thymus Healthy
Human Tonsil Diseased, Tonsilitis
Human Tonsil Diseased, Follicular Hyperplasia
Mouse Brain Healthy
Mouse Embryo Healthy
Mouse Heart Healthy
Mouse Kidney Healthy
Mouse Liver Healthy
Mouse Spleen Healthy
Mouse Testes Healthy
Mouse Thymus Healthy

Challenging Tissues

* List of tissue types tested in-house with the Visium CytAssist for FFPE assay that were found to not perform well. Notes on why these samples were challenging are listed.

Organism Tissue Unknown, Healthy, Diseased Additional Information
Human Spleen Healthy Observed a high percentage of UMI reads from gDNA which varied depending upon tissue block
Human Heart Healthy Observed low sensitivity and poor clustering with this tissue type