TEST Auto-Generated Markdown - Supernova Guidance

Sample Requirements and Library Considerations

Technical Note, Last Modified on December 9, 2016, Permalink

Supernova is a de novo assembly program that has been designed to assemble germline** human** genomes, from data generated in a precise fashion that we outline below.

Not following these instructions entails significant risk. Both choice of organism and processing are critical. We note in particular two pitfalls: Assembling a nonhuman genome may produce outstanding or unsatisfactory results. Due to the diversity of genome characteristics it is impossible to know a priori how well a specific genome will assemble. Supernova requires long, undamaged DNA. We provide protocols for DNA extraction from blood and cell lines, both of which have been validated for human samples. Getting good material from other sample types and organisms can be challenging. More details and guidance are provided below.
Supernova Support Policy
Class support
Human germline genomes, per instructions below Send us the information packet described below. We will do everything we can to make your project work.
All other Send us the information packet. We will look at it, but cannot guarantee a solution. It can be difficult to troubleshoot failed Supernova assemblies.

Supernova Performance by Genome Characteristics

Please keep reading! Other factors can dramatically affect results.

Guidance for Library Preparation

_ _assembly quality. In cases where the assembly has a problem, the length reported will be

_ inaccurate. A value of 0, in particular, indicates a problem has occurred in the calculation._

**Guidelines for **Sequencing

image alt text

NextSeq          Standard             Not tested.                                                                                       a          

Guidance for Genomes Smaller than Human

Genomes significantly smaller than human may be challenging to assemble with Supernova for three reasons:

For this third point, we describe here a schema that theoretically should work, but which has not been tested. Following these instructions entails risk, and success is not guaranteed.

  1. Load less DNA. For human germline genomes, the standard input mass is 1.25 ng. Loading of as little as 0.6 ng is likely to give high quality data. For genomes in the range 1.6-3.2 Gb, the mass can be reduced proportionally to the genome size, and that is the only modification needed. It is very important that input DNA be quantified accurately. Accidentally loading too little DNA may result in a high read duplication rate.

  2. Sequence to greater depth and subsample by barcode. For genomes smaller than 1.6 Gb, load 0.6 ng and sequence to depth (1.6/G) * 56x, where G is your genome size in Gb. Once sequencing is complete, subsample your reads, selecting all reads in a random sample of barcodes, comprising (G/1.6) times the total number of barcodes. For now you will need to provide your own solution to do this.

These instructions should yield the same LPM that would be obtained for human genomes at 56x coverage.

Guidance for Genomes Larger than Human

Genomes larger than human can in principle be assembled with Supernova, provided that the genome characteristics are not too different than human. However, you should supply at most 2000M reads to Supernova. Thus for example for 38x coverage (the lowest recommended), the largest genome would be 8.0 Gb, and for 56x coverage (the highest recommended), the largest genome would be 5.3 Gb.

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