Supernova Guidance

Sample Requirements and Library Considerations

Technical Note, Last Modified on January 12, 2018, Permalink


Supernova is a de novo assembly program that has been designed to assemble germline human genomes, from data generated in a precise fashion that we outline below. For users who are interested in using Supernova to assemble human and non-human genomes, this guidance document outlines some important considerations.

Please Note: Even following all of the guidance in this document by no means guarantees success in assembling non-human genomes.​

Supernova Support Policy

Class Support Policy
Human germline genomes Officially supported. Send us the information packet described below.
All other Experimental. Send us the information packet. We will try to help, but cannot guarantee a solution.

Supernova Performance by Genome Characteristics

Please keep reading!  Other factors can dramatically affect results.

Guidance for Library Preparation

*Note: The accuracy of the DNA length reported by Supernova is dependent on achieving a minimum assembly quality. If Supernova is unable to estimate the DNA length, it will report a value of zero, which means "not estimated." In some cases, Supernova may report a low value that is incorrect, due to a fragmented assembly. We are working to make this calculation more robust.

Guidelines for Sequencing

Instrument Configuration Results
HiSeq X Standard Excellent.
HiSeq 2500 Rapid run Excellent.
HiSeq 2500 High output Not tested.
HiSeq 4000 Standard Usable, but observed to produce contigs half as long as those from HiSeq X, for 38x human data.
MiSeq Standard Not tested, but performance likely comparable to HiSeq 2500 in rapid run mode.
NextSeq Standard Not Recommended.
NovaSeq Standard Preliminary results look comparable to HiSeq X results.

Guidance for Genomes Smaller than Human

Genomes significantly smaller than human may be challenging to assemble with Supernova for three reasons:

Guidance for Genomes Larger than Human

Genomes larger than human can in principle be assembled with Supernova, provided that the genome characteristics are not too different than human. However, you should supply at most 2000M reads to Supernova. Thus for example for 38x coverage (the lowest recommended), the largest genome would be 8.0 Gb, and for 56x coverage (the highest recommended), the largest genome would be 5.3 Gb. Available memory and disk requirements should be adjusted accordingly.

How to Get Help

If you need assistance reviewing your results, please perform the following: